SARAh webRefine for FullProf released!

SARAh webRefine – FullProf (beta version)

The beta version of the new refinement engine for SARAh has been released. It takes the ideas from SARAh-Refine (Windows) and moves them to a web platform. As well as being able to make template phases for .pcr files and editing refinement .pcr files, there is also a refinement area for using wither classic basis vectors or  high symmetry basis vector combinations within irreps of order >2 (by applying stationary vectors and epikernels). Possible couplings expected using exchange multiplets are also given.

Moving from a Windows platform to a web browser means that there will be no local installations needed for SARAh. It does require your browser settings to be changed to allow the location of the file to be selected and so files to be overwritten. Instructions and advice are given in the tab ‘4. Help and Strategies’ on the basis vector selection web page.

I wanted to do something different for web-facilitated magnetic structure refinement. I hope that you like it!
